How to increase your speed and strength
 What if I told you that building muscle through resistance training might not be enough? There are many aspects to increase your muscle strength and resistance training is just one of them. Another equally...
Read MoreThe tractor tire flip for total body conditioning
 Flippin' tires is not just for strongman competitors. Tire training can significantly impact your strength and conditioning program. And just about anyone can do it! Regardless of your lack of experience or athletic skills,...
Read More4 Healthy substitutes for mayonnaise that are actually delicious
 Mayonnaise can be quite offensive to some, but many love it. Classic mayonnaise is very high in calories, so substituting it for something healthier is a great idea for your overall health, but especially...
Read MoreNothing is impossible for bodybuilder and amputee Richard Herskovitz
 Nothing is impossible. That is the core message in today's interview with one of the top Amateur Natural Bodybuilders in the USA. Richard Herskovitz is an outstanding athlete who lifts heavy and plays tennis,...
Read MoreTrain your chest and back muscles simultaneously with the pullover
 Pullovers are great for training your upper body. But what makes this exercise special is its ability to work opposing, chest and back muscles simultaneously. While pullovers mainly hit your chest muscles, they recruit...
Read More12 Reasons to go skiing this winter | Vitamin D is one of them
 Are you skiing this winter? You should! I know that during cold winters all you want is to hibernate, indulge in comfort foods, and stay away from the freezing outdoors. But instead of dreading...
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