New year, new you - this time for real! As soon as the New Year comes around, you start feeling the effects of the over-indulgent holiday season. You might've accumulated some (fat) gains from alcohol, pastries, pies, and chocolate, which you are now ready to get rid of. You are not alone!
Did you know that 45% of Americans make New Year's Resolutions - and most of these are about losing weight? Unfortunately, only 8% of the people making these resolutions are able to succeed at them. Let's raise the percentage this year by reaching our New Year goals. All you need to get started is a strategy that works and determination!
New Year's Weight-Loss Resolution Plan
1. Set your daily weight-loss goals
So, you want to lose weight. That's awesome! The next step now is to figure out how you want to do it. Make sure you set a realistic goal that you can track and measure. This way you can stay on track and enjoy the rewards of day to day weight loss. Make a detailed plan with daily goals that will lead you to your big, dream goal.
Set daily goals such as walking for 20-30 minutes every day or having a serving of fruits and veggies each day. Small goals like these count and they are extremely rewarding. You won't even realize how quickly you've reached your weight-loss goal.
2. Build a healthy relationship with food
More often than not, people simply ban their trigger foods from their diet and soon fail at it. That's because going cold turkey on your favorite chocolate or french fries doesn't really work, especially when cravings hit.
The right thing to do is to simply ease out of your bad eating habits, not by completely banning your trigger foods, but by allowing yourself to have them in small portions once or twice a week. This will ensure that you develop your healthy eating habits while eliminating your bad eating patterns. It's a process, not an overnight trick. So be patient and build a healthy relationship with food.
3. Have a high-protein breakfast
Start developing healthy eating habits first thing in the morning. As soon as you wake up, have a healthy high-protein breakfast to give you energy for the day, help retain your muscle mass, and promote fat-loss. One of the most effective breakfasts for weight-loss is the protein and mixed nuts breakfasts. But if you don't like meat in the morning, you can get your protein from sources other than meats. It'll be just as effective!
4. Work out regularly
A healthy diet will help you lose weight, but it will only get you halfway there. You have to start exercising regularly if you want to get rid of unwanted body fat. You can start working out at home to build muscle and lose fat. If you are already active and you want to see quick results, you can do a post-workout interval cardio that will help you lose 1 pound of body-fat per week in just 12 minutes.
You can also incorporate metabolic finishers to complete your workout to burn more calories and fat. Additionally, you can develop a healthy fitness habit by riding your bike. Not only will you stay in shape, but you will also help save the planet!
5. Ask to be held accountable
Nothing will push you to go through with your resolutions like accountability. When you set a big goal for yourself, it's easy to get discouraged and give up. But if you know you are going to be held accountable for it, you are more likely to summon up all your ambition and strength to reach your goal.
Team up with a friend, relative, or a personal trainer and allow them to empower you. They will make sure you stick to your program and hold you accountable if you don't! It's easier to reach your goal when you know someone is beside you on your journey.
You will definitely go through with your weight-loss resolution if you eat healthily and exercise regularly. Make sure you track your progress and ask someone to hold you accountable. This will empower you and motivate you to smash your goal! Remember that weight-loss is a process, so be patient and relax.
Being patient and relaxed during your weight-loss journey will keep your cortisol levels in check as well, which means that you'll be less likely to store fat and crave unhealthy foods. Stay focused on your goal, but take your time to create a newer, stronger you. Have a successful year!